Wednesday, October 20, 2004
A follow up to the earlier story about Wayne Rooney's driving conviction. A couple of days after the original hearing, the BBC posted news that the conviction had been quashed. Apparently, Master Rooney's lawyers had faxed an adjournment request to the court but it got misplaced and the case went ahead in his absence. After the error was pointed out and Rooney's documents were produced, the prosecution agreed to take no further action and the case was dropped. What the case has revealed, however, is that there would appear to be some truth in the widely-held belief that modern footballers are capable of nothing further than 1) buying bling; 2) snorting coke; and 3) smiling for Hello, with the revelation that players' documents are often kept by their agents, presumably because they can't be trusted to look after their own driving licences!
Labels: Wayne Rooney